Thursday, July 07, 2005
Mission Statement
Being that I have only been reading blogs on the internet for about a week, I'd be lying if I said I am going to be following any kind of standard format. I am writing this blog to entertain myself, and maybe one or two people that may stumble over this post. Most of my posts will be centered around my online poker play and football, with little tidbits of my life. That being said, let me just say that I am by no means a poker professional. I am in the "fish" category, however I think I may have graduated to a higher level of fish. I play mostly $5 to $20 sitties, and No Limit ring games. I would term my play as Tight aggressive, with my play leaning more towards "Tight" than "aggressive". My pre-flop play is my strength, while my play on the turn and the river is a definite weakness. By posting details of my victories and agonizing defeats (suckouts), I hope to learn a little more about my play, and maybe offer something that is lacking/working in your game. At the very least, you online sharks can follow my train of thought and maybe get a better understanding as to how morons like me play!!
Today I was primed for a prosperous poker session. I am playing at Noble Poker, and they are running a promotion for a "15,000 Jackpot" for their $5 sitties. I am sure most of you are aware of this, but just in case you aren't, if you win 5 sitties in a row, you win $15,000. If you place first or second 5 times in a row, you win $200. Nearly an impossible feat considering the minefield of retards you are playing in a low limit sittie. The $200 jackpot is more realistic, but I came into today with two straight wins. In my first sittie, I played tight during the early stages of the tourney. My thinking is because of this jackpot, the fishies will be pushing marginal hands to get them in better chip position before the blinds go up. And boy were they pushing, and sucking out almost every time. If I see one more person push all in on a gutshot draw, my fucking head will explode. Anyway, the blinds were at 30/60, and I had about $800 in chips. Action came to me in the SB with KQ sooted, with three callers and the big blind. I flopped a flush draw, all low cards. It checks around the table. I maybe played the draw a little too tight, but this has been an aggressive table, and if I did bet I thought I would be making a decision for all my chips on a draw. Next card brings the A and my nut flush. I bet 60, some moron pushes all in with A-2, and big daddy doubles up. After that I open up my play, steal some blinds and knock off some short stacks. I got heads up and we must of played for almost 20 minutes, back and forth with the chips. With the stacks about even he goes all in pre flop from the button. He was really pushing his Aces, so I felt pretty confident when I called him with my pocket 4's. He turns up 2-5 sooted, and the jerk off hits his 5 on the river. My dreams of $15,000 were dashed, and I placed fifth in the next sittie to knock me out of contention for the $200. The good news is I am up $25 for the day, with a little $10 hit and run on the .50/1 No Limit table afterwards.
I won't be playing much poker because it's my birthday this weekend, and I'll be partying like a rock star. I'll have something for you possibly over the weekend, as I plan on reporting on my drunken exploits on a regular basis. Unfortunately for me, it won't be about drunken hook-ups because I get laid about as often as snow falls in Arizona. But that's the price you pay for going through life drunk, fat and stupid (RIPJohn Belushi).
Being that I have only been reading blogs on the internet for about a week, I'd be lying if I said I am going to be following any kind of standard format. I am writing this blog to entertain myself, and maybe one or two people that may stumble over this post. Most of my posts will be centered around my online poker play and football, with little tidbits of my life. That being said, let me just say that I am by no means a poker professional. I am in the "fish" category, however I think I may have graduated to a higher level of fish. I play mostly $5 to $20 sitties, and No Limit ring games. I would term my play as Tight aggressive, with my play leaning more towards "Tight" than "aggressive". My pre-flop play is my strength, while my play on the turn and the river is a definite weakness. By posting details of my victories and agonizing defeats (suckouts), I hope to learn a little more about my play, and maybe offer something that is lacking/working in your game. At the very least, you online sharks can follow my train of thought and maybe get a better understanding as to how morons like me play!!
Today I was primed for a prosperous poker session. I am playing at Noble Poker, and they are running a promotion for a "15,000 Jackpot" for their $5 sitties. I am sure most of you are aware of this, but just in case you aren't, if you win 5 sitties in a row, you win $15,000. If you place first or second 5 times in a row, you win $200. Nearly an impossible feat considering the minefield of retards you are playing in a low limit sittie. The $200 jackpot is more realistic, but I came into today with two straight wins. In my first sittie, I played tight during the early stages of the tourney. My thinking is because of this jackpot, the fishies will be pushing marginal hands to get them in better chip position before the blinds go up. And boy were they pushing, and sucking out almost every time. If I see one more person push all in on a gutshot draw, my fucking head will explode. Anyway, the blinds were at 30/60, and I had about $800 in chips. Action came to me in the SB with KQ sooted, with three callers and the big blind. I flopped a flush draw, all low cards. It checks around the table. I maybe played the draw a little too tight, but this has been an aggressive table, and if I did bet I thought I would be making a decision for all my chips on a draw. Next card brings the A and my nut flush. I bet 60, some moron pushes all in with A-2, and big daddy doubles up. After that I open up my play, steal some blinds and knock off some short stacks. I got heads up and we must of played for almost 20 minutes, back and forth with the chips. With the stacks about even he goes all in pre flop from the button. He was really pushing his Aces, so I felt pretty confident when I called him with my pocket 4's. He turns up 2-5 sooted, and the jerk off hits his 5 on the river. My dreams of $15,000 were dashed, and I placed fifth in the next sittie to knock me out of contention for the $200. The good news is I am up $25 for the day, with a little $10 hit and run on the .50/1 No Limit table afterwards.
I won't be playing much poker because it's my birthday this weekend, and I'll be partying like a rock star. I'll have something for you possibly over the weekend, as I plan on reporting on my drunken exploits on a regular basis. Unfortunately for me, it won't be about drunken hook-ups because I get laid about as often as snow falls in Arizona. But that's the price you pay for going through life drunk, fat and stupid (RIPJohn Belushi).

I have registered to play in the PokerStars World Blogger Championship of Online Poker!
This Online Poker Tournament is a No Limit Texas Holdem event exclusive to Bloggers.
Registration code: 7330476