Monday, December 12, 2005
How to turn one cent into 35 dollars
For anyone that has stumbled upon these humble blog, you may have noted that I am my worst critic. There is nothing that pisses me off more than when my poker play is off. Normally I don't blame the other players, the site's rng, or the poker gods, I blame myself for making poor decisions. Well, let me be the first to pat myself on the back for my recent play. To set the scene, I am at the first site I ever played real money poker at ( last Friday night. I notice I have .01 left in my account. Believe it or not, Bugsys is the only site I know of that has a .01 buy-in tourney. Well, as luck would have it, it was just about to start, and my Friday night was free (I am such a fucking loser). It is a standard turbo tournament, but you start with T5000. Also, as you can imagine, you are not exactly playing against the stiffest competition in the world. Much to my surprise, I was able to outlast 228 of the worst players known to man to win the tourney with a net profit of $6.72 cents. It took about three hours, and to be honest, I didn't even break a sweat. My hands surprisingly held up, and my opponents were fairly easy to read. It was my first tournament win in a real money tourney (if you can call it that) and I was pretty fucking geeked. I take my new found winnings into a $2 sit and go. I win that sittie in under an hour, again not really breaking a sweat, pulling in a $9 profit ballooning my bankroll to $15 dollars. If I had a girlfriend, we would be living ghettofabulous at the country buffet. However, since I'm single and bored, I press my luck and pop into a $5 sittie. I think you are starting to see the pattern here. I take first, pulling in a $19.50 profit, giving me a monster bankroll of 35 dollars. I thought about withdrawing that money and taking my chances at the big game in the Bellagio, but I'm not sure I could withstand the embarrassment of looking at Chip Reese's face as I open the betting with $34.50 (I'll tip the guard to let me in). In the immortal words of George Costanza "I'm back baby!".
Thoughts on the NFL, and whatever pops in my head
Watching the Colts play this Sunday, it occurred to me that I may be watching the greatest football team of all time. Well, it didn't just occur to me, but I couldn't help but think who could be better than the Colts at this point. Granted, they still have a Super Bowl to win, but anyone who thinks that there is a team out there that can stay with the Colts has to stop huffing the keyboard cleaner. Let' s break down some of the best teams of all time, and you come to your own conclusion.
San Francisco 49ers (1981-1994)
This is a team that is loaded with Hall of Fame offensive players. Joe Montana was the best there is, the best there was, and the best there ever will be. The same holds true for Jerry Rice. Steve Young picked up where Montana left off. John Taylor was the best second receiver ever to play the game. Bill Walsh is the greatest offensive mind in NFL history. The offensive line is underrated, but when you have a quarterback that gets rid of the ball in 3.5 seconds every play, it does make life easier. The defense is also underrated, with Ronnie Lott as the best corner in the league, than later becoming a hall of famer as the best safety of all time. You also had Pierce Holt, Charles Haley and later Ken Norton Jr holding down the fort in the front seven. Were they underrated? Yes they were. Were the dominant? No, they were not. They did enough to give Montana and Young a chance to win, but you can't really point at a big playoff game or Super Bowl and say that they stepped up and won that game. Granted, they didn't have to, but the point remains the same. The Colts have the best defense right now in football. I don't put this Colts team in the same historical league as the Niners, but judging the Niners best season against what the Colts are doing now, the Colts are far and away better than the Niners. If the Colts win three out of the next four bowls, I give the Colts the historical edge.
Pittsburgh Steelers (1974-1979)
The Steel Curtain defense will go down in history as the greatest defense of all time. It's not even close. Mean Joe Green, Jack Lambert, Jack Ham, Mel Blount, were all just as tenacious against the run as they were against the pass. Terry Bradshaw finally put things together offensively in 1974 by limiting mistakes and grudgingly playing under the offensive system to put these guys over the hump. They also had the best offensive line of the decade. They are loaded with hall of famers Franco Harris, Lynne Swan, and John Stallworth. Again, I will not compare the whole body of work against the Colts, the Steelers clearly have the nod there. But taking their best season, let's say 1975, do you put that up against the 2005 Colts? I think it's close. The Colts this year are just as dominate this year as the Steelers were in 1975 defensively, I'll make that a push. Offensively, I think the Colts a far and away a better football team. I'm not sure that Bradshaw ever garnered the same respect from his team that Peyton Manning has with his. Granted, this is not cut and dry, but for my money, give me the Colts.
Chicago Bears (1985)
Before this year, this was the most dominate football team I had ever seen. The defense was just ridiculous. I know I said the Steel Curtain was the best, which they are, but for a single season, there has never been a defense that was better (the 1991 Eagles are a close second). However, offensively this team had many question marks other than Walter Payton, who is the best football player of my time. Jim McMahon is a good quarterback who actually had a sharp football mind(while on the field) and managed the game well. However, the guy could not stay healthy enough to finish a game. The offensive line was unbelievable. The wide receivers were suspect at best, Willie Gault and Dennis Gentry did enough do get the job done. The Colts can beat you on either side of the ball. I can't say that about the 1985 Bears.
Miami Dolphins (1971-1974)
This is where it gets a little tricky for me. I can't say that I actually saw that Dolphin team in their heyday. I did get to watch a Steelers game or two in the late seventies, but I only caught this Dolphin team when they were a shell of themselves in the late seventies and into 1980. I could throw stats at you and make my argument there, but it wouldn't be fair to this team. But, I think their winning percentage speaks for itself. The only point I will bring up is that the landscape of the NFL was much different in 1972 than it is now. The league as it stands now is built towards parity, while the system in 1972 was more suited towards building a dynasty. That being said, if the Colts run the table and win the Super Bowl, they will displace what the Dolphins did in 1972 as the greatest feat in NFL history. If you don't believe me, ask them.
Well, there you have it. You may be wondering, "Hey, what about the 1967-1968 Packers?". My hands are cramping up and I have work in the morning. I will say this, all of my points are contingent on the Colts winning the Super Bowl, so that will be a caveat to this post. But, I don't think I have much to worry about there.

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Dude, you are high. The 1984 49ers would have bitch-slapped the Colts into complete oblivion. The '84 49ers were the team that wiped out the Marino-led Dolphins 38-16 in SB XIX (no Jerry Rice or John Taylor yet), and came within a horrendous 4th quarter call against Pittsburgh of being undefeated that year. And who did they shut out (23-0) in the NFC Championship in 1984? The Bears of Ditka/Ryan, who are also on your list. If a team can go 18-1 and beat another top-five team, they gotta be considered the best.
Firstly, thanks for leaving a comment, you did bring up valid points that were missing from my entry, and should have been in there to be fair to the Niners. Before I respond, I will say that in the 80's the Niners were my favorite team next to the Birds. I wore my Montana jersey every day after school until it broke down into a red thready ball. That being said, if the Colts run the table and win the Super Bowl, and chances are they will barring a freak loss while Jim Sorgi throws 5 picks, my point will at least be debatable. In the 23-0 drubbing of the Bears that year, the Niners defense played very well, however they shut out a Steve Fuller led offense. It was a convincing and spectacular win, but they did not play the same Bears team that was on the field in 1985. Secondly, the NFC didn't really provide a huge challenge to the Niners that year. The Rams were dogmeat, the Redskins and Cowboys took a step back, and the Giants and Bears were on the way up, but not there yet. The Colts could play the Pats, the Chargers, the Broncos, the Bengals, the Jags or the Stellers(mispelling intended) in the playoffs . If they beat any of those two teams and cream the Seahawks or the Panthers, don't you think that would be the best single season team performance of all time? Or for you, as a fan of that team, at least give them the credit of being mentioned in the same breath? I'm not trying to down the '84 Niners or downplay their greatness, but the league that the Colts are playing in now may be comparable, if not slightly better, than the league the '84 Niners played in.
The 1984 49ers were the best team of all time. They should have been undefeated that year as well but thats another story. They had the #2 offense behind Marino's circus side show, andthe #1 defense in the league. The balance on that team was science. They averaged 5 yards a carry as a team and Montana had 3600 yards. The '85 Bears unfortunately overshadow them because of flamboyance, but the 84 49ers were better than those Bears and beat the '84 Bears 23-0.
Its too bad that they dont get the credit due to them, sadly after week 12 ESPN experts were comparing the '05 Colts to historical great teams and had the gall to completely bypass the '84 49ers. ESPN is usually wrong and naive but that was just gross negligence!!
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Its too bad that they dont get the credit due to them, sadly after week 12 ESPN experts were comparing the '05 Colts to historical great teams and had the gall to completely bypass the '84 49ers. ESPN is usually wrong and naive but that was just gross negligence!!
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