Wednesday, February 08, 2006
Hello Again!!
I guess you are all wondering where I have been for the last two months.......just kidding nobody reads this fucking blog. Just in case you have stumbled across this and are wondering, I really haven't had much to say. I have been on hiatus with poker, and football has been way too depressing to write about. The bright spot has been PSU, but again, what does beating FSU mean? The Noles played much better than expected, they should be really good next year, but how can you feel good about beating a team the was arguably the 3rd or 4th best team in their conference for most of the year? But I guess this year I'll take it.The Eagles are on a downward spiral. I have been in McNabb's corner all season. He had an opportunity to establish himself as the leader of this team, but that ESPN interview was just atrocious. TO is gone Donny Mac, no reason to drudge those problems up now, then call out your teammates for their play. I know you were hurt, but you weren't exactly the second coming of Joe Montana this year. I understand you have been put through a lot with the fans, and the local and national media, but the reason the front office has set you up financially for the rest of your life is because YOU ARE SUPPOSED TO BE ABOVE THIS PETTY BULLSHIT!!! This team is slipping away by the second, you need to put out this fire YOU started and get behind the core players on this team. Get me a Super Bowl damnit!! Well anyway, I feel a little better now. I want to do a post looking at March Madness, but I'd like to do a little more research and break down the teams I think will be dangerous in the tournament. I also have a story about being at wing bowl, which is a tradition here in Philly. Drinking beer and looking at boobs at 6:30am merits some space on this horrible blog. Talk to you soon.
PS..Todd if your reading this, you were right, the '84 Niners still are the best team of all time. My argument apparently holds no water!! And if anyone other than Todd is still reading, click on his site to the left and check it out (Toddcommish). It's my favorite blog, and worth checking out.

I have registered to play in the PokerStars World Blogger Championship of Online Poker!
This Online Poker Tournament is a No Limit Texas Holdem event exclusive to Bloggers.
Registration code: 7330476